Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Special Occasions Must Not Affect Your Fat Burning Program

There are times during the year when you are very determined to stick to your fat burning plan regardless of what will happen. Yet, there are also periods in which you are ready to give up all the positive results you have had from your diet and start eating all the "goodies" you have in from of you. As most of you suspect, the latter periods happen mainly during the holidays or when you are celebrating something.

In the above mentioned instances (holidays, anniversaries and celebrations) people tend to exaggerate with food and alcohol, disregarding the torment to which they subject their body to. Even the most ardent supporters of fat burning programs let themselves deceived by the party spirit and forget that they should eat healthy, should stay away from fatty and sugary foods and should exercise regularly.

If you are one of those who encounter problems when it comes to being consistent during the holidays or when you go to the parties here are some things which may help you fight the temptation.

When being on a diet, the most important thing of all is your determination. If you want it hard enough, you can surpass any obstacle. In order to face the junk food temptation you should revise your goals and your evolution graphics before leaving home. The progress you have made so far and the goals you have set in will keep you focus and will increase your determination.

The next very important thing when following a fat burning program is the support you get from the ones dear to you. If they encourage you and take into account your needs you will find it easier to stick to your principles and do not jump into eating all kinds of fat food the minute you enter the room.

Do not think that if you are not going to eat fatty foods you will starve. There are a lot of people who, in addition to all those fat "goodies" have plates with fruits, vegetables and other low caloric foods which can serve as a meal for you. I am sure that if you look for them you will find them. And the best thing is that you will not have to fight for them, cause there will be few to none people who will eat fruits and vegetables at a party, so they will be all yours! If you cannot find something like that you can ask the owner of the hose to bring you some. They certainly have some fruits or vegetables in the fridge, but just like you, though nobody will ever want something like that.

To get away from the food temptation you can start dancing. It will take you away from the table and will help you do the exercises you had not got the chance to do it before leaving from home. Thus, you will burn the fat and enjoy the party! Plus that by doing exercise you will need to drink more water, which will fill your stomach and keep the hunger sensation away.

Parties can really help you with your diet, as long as you stay away from the fatty foods and keep on dancing!

Are you tired of searching for fat burning products which will help you gain the silhouette you have always wanted? Ben Prado knows everything about fat burning strategies. Check out his advices on

Friday, April 16, 2010

Some Tricks Which May Turn Your Body Into a Fat Burning Furnace

I know that when you are overweight, you can find it very difficult to cope with your aspect. There are people who were afraid or ashamed to get out of the house because their chubby looks. Yet, this cannot last forever! If you are one of those people who really cannot stand watching themselves in the mirror and who, even though they have tried a lot of fat burning strategies and techniques, still have not managed to get rid of all that fat, here are some practical advices which can help you.

People tend to ignore the way they eat, but how you eat is as important as what you eat. No matter how hard you try, you cannot get rid of the excess fat and have the body your have always dreamed of if you do not learn how to eat properly.

The time which passes in between the meals is very important. It should never be more than 3 or four hours. I know it sounds crazy, but in order to lose weight you will have to eat about six meals a day, that means double of the number of meals you got used with. Why is that? Well, when you eat six times a day you are no longer able to eat the same amounts of food you used to when eating only three meals and even if you did, dividing them in six smaller portions boosts your metabolism and less fat is accumulated.

Yet, when I say six meals I am not referring to six meals which abound in food. It is highly important that you have three basic meals, where you should eat more elaborate food and other three in which you should only have a fruit or some seeds as a snack. The reason of these in between snacks is that they give your stomach something to do, so that the next time you eat you will not be so hungry and will eat less.

The next thing you should change in the way you eat is the way you chew the food. In order to get that feeling of satiety and eat fewer amounts of food you should chew your food very well and eat at your peace. This means that you will have to give up that ugly habit of grabbing something and eating it on the run.

Lastly, you should give up the habit of eating at night, mostly because at night you are not doing any kind of activity and all the calories you are getting from you meals will be transformed into fat which will deposit onto your body. If you want to lose that fat and help your stomach you should not eat anything with two hours before you go to bed. The stomach takes about two hours to digest anything and when you eat something at then go to sleep the food will take longer to digest and your stomach will have to work harder while you sleep. And because you do not burn energy while you sleep, it will all be turned into fat. Now this is something I do not think you want to happen!

Take your time and learn how to eat properly. This will do you good before losing weight, but afterward too. Knowing how to eat is a good thing, which will keep you healthy and good looking even after you have burnt all the fat you had to.

Ben Prado is a specialist in fat burning diets and fat burning exercise. Learn more about who you can have a wonderful, fat free body by checking You will never look for any other fat burning strategy afterward.

How You Can Count the Calories You Eat Without Becoming Obsessed By It

When you find fat burning programs which tell you to ignore the number of calories you ingest daily I strongly recommend that you throw them away. Why? The reason is simple, no matter if you want to maintain your body weight, increase or decrease it, you will have to know how many calories have you eaten and how many exercises you have to do in order to burn them.

In order to succeed in your fat burning attempt you have to eat less calories than you burn during the day. This is quite a simple and logical rule, which everybody can understand. But how will you know how many exercises to do if you do not count the number of calories you have ingested the whole day long? You do not know, so your fat burning program may fail to have effects. This leads you to the conclusion that you will have to keep track of the calories you eat. But from here another question arises: How can you number the calories you eat without becoming obsessed of it? Read on to find out!

If you want to take care of your body and lose the fat which is troubling you so much, but do not want to exaggerate with your concern you should make a diet that will provide your body with the necessary amount of calories. Then you should look for a fat burning exercise program which will help you burn the excess calories. These two steps will help you deal more effectively with the body fat. But let's take each one at a time.

First of all you have to create a diet that will work for you. It does not have to be a drastic diet, but one which will bring you the exact amount of calories you need. Thus, in a notebook, diary or on the computer you should make a section in which you will list all the foods you are allowed to eat everyday along with their respective number of calories. This way you will know every moment how much calories you have ingested and how much more you are allowed to eat. Also, you can make a diet for each day, by simply alternating and combining the food the way you like it.

This will offer you the possibility to have a balance diet without giving up part of the things you like. In addition to that, the possibility of combining the food the way you like it will make your diet easier and more interactive.
After you have set a diet based on a certain number of calories, you will have to start a fitness program which will burn the calories you have eaten, plus the ones you have in your body under the form of fat. You can choose the fat burning exercises to include in your program all by yourself or you can ask a fitness trainer to help you. Either way, you must be aware that this fat burning program will have to be followed daily, so choose exercises which are not too hard and can be made every day.

Are you tired of searching for fat burning products which will help you gain the silhouette you have always wanted? Ben Prado knows everything about fat burning strategies. Check out his advices on

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Burn the Fat by Exercising Continuously

With the increased rate of obesity it is no wonder that fat burning programs and weight loss pills are so popular. Yet, it must be mentioned that only few of the products and programs available on the market can really keep their promise and offer long lasting, spectacular effects. Most of those programs which offer results are based on appropriate fat burning exercises.

So, if you really want to lose weight and burn the fat which troubles you so much you should start doing exercises more often. There are a lot of ways in which you can continuously exercise your muscles. You can start by giving up your car and walk or cycle until your destination. This is both an eco-friendly attitude and a very good way of keeping the fat out of your body. You will see that your body will start to burn the excess fat faster, while you will feel better in your own skin.

Another very effective way of exercising is to start learning a sport. You will want to put into practice the new things you learn and you will not feel like doing a boring activity. On the contrary, it will keep you focused and interested until the last minutes of the course. If you like dancing more than sports, dancing courses are a good opportunity of building your muscles and burning fat rapidly.

You can buy yourself a medicinal bike and cycle while you are watching TV. You will both enjoy the benefits of the exercises you are making and see your favorite shows or movies on TV. And look at the bright side too you will never have to ask for some space on the couch!

No matter what activity you like doing, it is highly important that you never stop from doing exercises. One or two sessions per week at the gym will be perfect for your body, mostly because you can benefit from the help of a personalized trainer which can customize the fitness program according to your needs. Thus, you will do the exercises which will maximize the fat burning process and you will not get tired for nothing. At the contrary, you will see the results after few sessions. In addition to that, your fitness trainer will help you keep the rhythm and never give up.

Keep in mind the fact that movement is essential when it comes to burning the fat. No matter how much fat you have on your body or how young or old you are, exercises are the only ones able to offer you the thin and healthy body you have always wanted. For more effective results you can also adopt a fat burning diet, in which you can include foods which will burn your fat in a short period of time. However, never start a fat burning diet without doing exercises, because you will not have any positive effects. Your muscles need to be rebuilt and this can only be made with continuous exercising.

Are you tired of searching for fat burning products which will help you gain the silhouette you have always wanted? Ben Prado knows everything about fat burning strategies. Check out his advices on

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Increase Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Like a Furnace

Everyone wants to turn out their fat storing body into a fat burning furnace. Even people how practice fitness for a long time and have almost perfect bodies still want this. But it is highly known and understandable that people who have great amounts of fat on their bodies want this even more. If you are one of those persons who would love to burn that fat and instead of it build strong and good looking muscles you should read below and find some tips which will help you in your attempt.

It is naturally to start by saying that the most important thing to do if you want to increase your metabolism is to start exercising. If you do this already, try even harder. It is impossible not to see positive results when you are exercising on a regular basis. When your body is put to work it burns the calories, which otherwise will be transforming into more fat which will eventually deposit on your body. So, it is recommended that you do some exercising every day. Not only will you prevent the fat from accumulating even further on your body, but you will also burn the one which is already deposited there.

Once you have made a habit out of exercising constantly, you have to take a look at your diet. You have to know that there are certain ways of firing up your metabolism, simply by changing the way you eat. First start dividing the amount of food you eat on a normal basis into five or six meals a day, instead of three or less you were used to. You will see that you will no longer be able to eat as much as you used to, plus that your body will no longer accumulate the same amount of fat, but rather burn it faster. This is due to the fact that if you eat more often, your stomach will be kept occupied long enough and you will no longer feel so hungry thus eat less.

Increase the number of glasses of water you drink per day. When you are on a diet and want your body to burn more fat you should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and can go up to 10 if you feel like. Also, supplement the water with green tea. The effects of the green tea are similar to those of caffeine, this is why it will give you more energy and will increase your metabolism significantly.

Do not forget to exclude form our diet the foods which contain sugar and fats. They are very dangerous for your body as they transform very rapidly in fats and make the fat tissue grow bigger and bigger. Also, the slow down the metabolism, thus destroying all the positive effects you have obtained so far. With a little bit of determination, you can make all the fat go away in a matter of weeks. You just have to be consistent with the changes you have made in your lifestyle and keep pushing your body to the limits.

Ben Prado is a specialist in fat burning diets and fat burning exercise. Learn more about who you can have a wonderful, fat free body by checking You will never look for any other fat burning strategy afterward.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Want to Lose Fat? Exercise on a Regular Basis

Burning the fat which accumulated in the body for months or even years can be a challenge even for the most determined persons. Yet, nothing it is impossible when you really want it.

There have been millions of fat loss diets, weight loss pills and fat burning strategies, most of them without having any practical effect. Millions of people have trusted these presupposed way of getting rid of the fat and ended up losing their faith in the success of any fat loss method. Yet, in spite of people reticence, there is an effective way of losing weight and reshape your body, which includes exercises, as many exercises as you can do.

When wanting to lose fat, cutting the portions of food is not enough, mainly because this will result in slow fat burn. Your body will start to accumulate more and more energy form what you give it and once you will eat something with more calories you will get some extra pounds almost instantaneously. So, even though you will eat small portions of low caloric food, you will still lose fat very slowly and whenever you are eating something with more calories you will see it on your body. In addition to that, the diet does not work your muscles and is not able to give the skin the elasticity it needs in order to stretch on your newly reshaped body.

If you want to compensate all the disadvantages mentioned above you need to start exercising. All the fat burning programs and strategies are very strict when it comes to exercising. If you can cheat with the food once in a while, you can never cheat with the exercises. In order to look fabulous you will have to dedicate part of your time to exercising.

There are many fat burning exercises you can do. If you have not been an active person throughout your life, it is recommended that you start with easy exercises, walks and sports which do you pleasure. For example, instead of taking the bus to work, you can walk. Also, instead of watching the TV you can go swimming, playing volleyball or even dancing. Doing whatever kind of activity which you enjoy will boost your spirit and at the same time will help you get rid of that unwanted fat. When you are doing something that you like you will not feel the tiredness and you will want to push your body in order to enjoy your favorite activity for a longer period of time.

For persons who are active, a session to the nearby gym can be a perfect way to get rid of all the fat and detach themselves from the quotidian worries. Sports have a positive effect upon human brain, so that you will be able to regain your emotional equilibrium while you are also trying to do something for your body.

Exercising is the most effective and long lasting fat burning strategy. No matter of the part of your body you want to reshape, exercises can help you look and feel better.

Are you tired of searching for fat burning products which will help you gain the silhouette you have always wanted? Ben Prado knows everything about fat burning strategies. Check out his advices on

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fat Burning Plan - It All Starts With Your Desire

Being fat is not a pleasure for anybody. Yet, how many times have you not thought of starting a fat loss program or you even started it, but could not manage to resist all temptations? If you could not even remember how many times, then it is high time that you change your attitude.

The first thing you need to have when starting a fat burning program is desire, the desire of keeping a diet and making exercises in order to help your body, a desire for which you will be willing to make all the required sacrifices. Most of those who are starting such a program think they are guided by this desire, yet only few of them have the strength to carry on with their diet and exercises.

It is highly important that after you have decided to follow a fat burning diet or/and a fat burning exercise program you should write down the reason for which you want to get thinner. Also, you should write down the progresses you are making each day. Keeping a diary of your evolution and by starting it with the reason for which you are doing it and the goal you want to reach will serve as reminder and will give you strength when you are on the verge of breaking down. Nothing is better when you feel like you are collapsing then rememorizing the dreams you had when you started the fat burning program and the way you evaluated along the time.

In addition to that, you should also make a change in the way you are looking at life and diet in general. If you think that you cannot live without fatty foods and fast food you should not burden yourself with fat burning programs, because the moment you will give up the program and go back to your eating habits you will put all the fat back. Instead of regarding the fat burning program as a burden you should consider it a new way of living your life. This means that once you are changing your diet and start exercising you should be conscious that this is not a temporary process, but rather the way you are going to live your life from then on. This kind of thoughts will make your diet period easier, mostly because you will not feel the same attraction to fatty and unhealthy foods and you will be able to discover new and healthy fat burning food which will delight your senses.

If you really want to lose weight, get rid of all the fat and have a nice, well proportioned body, you will achieve all your goals. Put down your wishes and your evolution and check them whenever you are feeling down. They will give you the strength you need to move one. Remember that everything starts with how much you want it and how many things you are willing to give up in order to be beautiful and have a healthy body.

Are you tired of searching for fat burning products which will help you gain the silhouette you have always wanted? Ben Prado knows everything about fat burning strategies. Check out his advices on

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are You Destined For 8 Years Of Poor Health & Misery? The Answer Might Surprise (And Scare) You...

I was puttering around on the internet this morning and I saw  something that really caught my eye.  It was the latest data regarding  our current life expectancy as humans from the World Health  Organization, along with a history of how that's changed over the years.

This info went all the way back to the Neanderthal period (the  guys from the Geico Insurance TV commercials) up to present day humans.

Those poor Geico guys only lived to be 20 years old on average,  while today's humans can expect about 75 years of life.

2,900 Or More Days Of Misery In Your Future?!

But did you know that today's people have an average  healthy life expectancy of just 67 years?  In other words, this  is saying that you can expect 8 years of your life in poor health.  8 years!  That's 2,900+ days of poor health.  I don't  know about you, but that's not something I'm looking forward to. I sure think we can do better than 67 years of good health on this planet.  And you know what?  We can.

This number is an  average.  Like anything else, you don't have to be average if  you don't want to be.  The average person doesn't exercise  properly, if at all.  The average person doesn't know how to  make the right foods selections and maintain a healthy diet.  The average person doesn't apply themselves mentally and  emotionally to maintain relatively stress free living.

If this sounds a little bit too much like you, the good news is  you don't have to be this person any longer.  While it is a  shame that today's health, fitness, and diet industry is simply  confusing more people than it's helping, there are a few people  and organizations out there that can provide a realistic, effective and efficient approach to breaking past the average  healthy life span and living those years full of energy,  strength, and vitality.

I get questions from my Fat Burning Furnace newsletter and system readers all the  time, after going through the FBF materials, about how they  can't believe how little exercise is involved.  And even though  I've told them up front that they can let go of the aerobics or traditional cardio because of how powerful the FBF exercise really is, many still have trouble doing that.

And what I tell them is directly related to the subject of life  expectancy and just how much time we really have in our lives. I tell them that having a lean, strong, and healthy body is great.  It's one of the most important things we can attain.  Period.  But, how much time is it worth to you?  That's the  question I asked myself over and over when seeking out my own  methods and developing the FBF methods.

Most people, after years and years of trial and error, come to  realize that spending several days and hours a week working out  is just not worth the trouble.  And carefully measuring your  food, counting calories, and depriving yourself of nutrient rich  foods like whole grain carbohydrates is also something that  shouldn't be necessary to enjoy a healthy and energy filled  life.  And it isn't.

How Much Time & Effort Is Minimally Required?

What we really should be focusing on is how much time and effort  is minimally required to get the results we're looking for.  Think about that.  Not how much, but how much is minimally required.  Remember, we've got just 67 healthy years as a starting point...If I valued my time on this planet, this is what I would be searching for.

If it really took hours and hours a week and all of that crazy  nutrition manipulation to burn fat, build muscle, strength, and cardiovascular health, I'm not sure I'd do it.  Not for very  long anyway.  I've tried that approach, for years, and if you  have you know it's no fun.  And it's just not realistic given  the demands our lives place on us in today's world.

But as I've mentioned before, you don't have to worry about that  kind of stuff anymore.  The principles in my FBF system allow  you to approach your genetic potential for a lean, strong, and healthy body in just minutes each week and with very simple  lifestyle changes.

Just 45 Minutes A Week...While Eating Delicious Foods?

My wife Kalen and I have been using the FBF principles for a few years now.  We work out  twice each week.  We even take a week off entirely every few  weeks or so.  We don't count calories.  We don't deprive ourselves of  the foods we love.  If it's our daughter's birthday, we enjoy some cake and ice cream .  We just work the FBF principles and continue to stay in  great shape day after day, week after week, year after year.

We work out so little because of the way the workouts are performed and created, and we eat with such flexibility because we stick with the FBF lifestyle, which gives you the power of  flexibility and variation that is lacking in most programs.

What I'm saying is that I've discovered what is minimally required to give me the health and body that I wanted.  And thousands  of my FBF students are doing it as well.  Sure I could add another day a week to my workouts, but at this point it would  actually be detrimental to my results.  I could also start  messing with my diet in all sorts of crazy ways, but that would just make my body angry and cause me unneeded stress.

So, I ask you, are you trying to find what's minimally required to get you the results you want?  If you truly value your time and the other worthy pursuits in your life, I'm suggesting that this is exactly what you should be doing.  If you don't, you may just end up being an average 67 year old with 8 years of poor health to look forward to.

By the way, if you haven't read my Fat Burning Furnace blueprint yet, you really want to go and do that right now. It took me years to learn all of the techniques and secrets my wife and I used to drop over 100 pounds of fat (see our pictures after you click the button below), totally reshape our bodies, boost our energy, and develop lasting health...but you can copy my plan just a few minutes from now with my Fat Burning Furnace system.

  • Discover How To Lose 42 Pounds & 10 Inches Off Your Waist In Just 45 Minutes A WEEK...

  • Or Learn How To Drop 59 Pounds & 8 Dress Sizes While Enjoying Yummy Foods All Day...

You're Going To Be Blown Away When You Learn The Real Reason You're Still Fat...

Burn fat exercise

Friday, January 8, 2010

Burn Fat Exercise at Home

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Review is perfect for all, students, business men, professionals, housewives, teachers, employees and anybody who has the enthusiasm to remain fit as well as build a beautiful body. Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle is e-book written by Tom Venuto, personal trainer and a certified strength and conditioning specialist.
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is a sort of fat loss bible, as well as it is certainly not for weak-willed, as its block full of astonishing information regarding your health and fitness, all related to technical facts surrounding muscle growth, exercise and food intake.
The best feature of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is that is works to protect the body's lean tissue, muscle and water since it burns your unnecessary fat. Normally, a major weight loss at start of your diet signifies that you have lost plenty of water, with the loss of lean tissue as well as fat. The goal of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is to produce some authentic fat loss whereas maintaining lean tissue. Anybody can use this plan - any sex, bodybuilders, fitness buffs and also just the people who are involved in reading more information about health and fitness.
The Pros of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
• With Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, you will locate the best awareness possible regarding every feature of getting long-term fat loss, becoming healthier and keeping your lean tissue integral. The guide will serve to disperse a lot of muscle and health myths, and get in the particular details of why and how we lose fat.
• You would not find a diet in Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, as it will not cut your diet on eating only protein or reducing carbs. What Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle inform you as well as give you the capability to make a decision what your own exclusive consumption of fats, carbs and protein should be.
• The basic number of calories which you burn off daily, or Basal Metabolic Rate, is addressed with several interesting facts and determining if your body works fine with the carbs.
This guide offers training where you not just lose weight progressively however you would be able to put off for a lot of years together and at times for even a lifetime.
Read more on fat burning secrets of the worlds best body builders.